
My Linux Journey - 05/06/2024

Join me on this journey, and together, let's explore the limitless possibilities of Linux.

Welcome to my Linux journey! Today, I want to share with you the evolution of my experience with Linux, from the early days of feeling like an outsider to where I stand now, wielding Archcraft and Openbox with the confidence of an elite user.

đź’° Trap of Windows

Windows has faced criticism for its data collection practices. Users concerned about privacy might prefer Linux distributions that are generally more transparent about data handling.

✨ Ubuntu Beginnings: A Foreign World

My journey began with Ubuntu, a popular distribution known for its user-friendliness and community support. At first, navigating the Linux landscape felt like entering a foreign country. Terminal commands, package managers, and customization options were overwhelming. Despite its reputation as a beginner-friendly option, I struggled to find my footing.


đź’» Discovering KDE Neon: Shifting Perspectives

Seeking a change, I stumbled upon KDE Neon. This distribution, featuring the latest KDE Plasma desktop environment on top of Ubuntu LTS base, was a game-changer. The polished interface and seamless integration of KDE apps opened my eyes to the potential of Linux as a daily driver. I began customizing my desktop environment and exploring new applications with newfound enthusiasm.

🖥️ Advancing to Manjaro: Embracing Complexity

As my confidence grew, so did my curiosity. I transitioned to Manjaro, a rolling-release distribution based on Arch Linux. This move marked a significant shift towards a more hands-on approach. Manjaro’s bleeding-edge software updates and extensive repository broadened my Linux knowledge. I felt like an advanced user, tinkering with configurations and experimenting with different desktop environments.

đź‘ľ The Archcraft Revelation: Embracing Minimalism and Mastery

After several distro-hopping adventures, I discovered Archcraft. Built on Arch Linux, Archcraft features the lightweight Openbox window manager. Its minimalism and focus on simplicity resonated with me. Installing only what I needed and configuring every aspect of my system provided a sense of control and efficiency. As I delved deeper into Archcraft, scripting customizations and optimizing performance, I felt like an elite Linux user—a master of my digital domain.

🚀 Reflections and Future Paths

Looking back, each distribution I explored has shaped my understanding of Linux. Ubuntu introduced me to the basics, KDE Neon refined my desktop experience, Manjaro taught me the intricacies of a rolling release, and Archcraft empowered me with minimalism and customization. My Linux journey continues to evolve, driven by a passion for learning and a desire to push the boundaries of what’s possible with open-source software.
